
When I purchased this domain, Emily and I knew we were pregnant but it was very early on. I wanted to start a little blog to share pictures and family updates. I figured nine months would give me plenty of time to get a basic website started and add a few pictures. Boy was I wrong! Fast forward three weeks, Emily and I are at the emergency room due to a tummy bug that was causing her to not keep anything down. We were concerned, especially being that early in pregnancy, and wanted to get her checked out. The ER docs wanted to do an ultrasound to check on the baby. We were excited. It was the first time we would get to see the baby. After a few minutes the ultrasound tech stopped and turned to us to ask if we had been to our OB yet. We were a little puzzled and nervous. We had already experienced a few miscarriages and were worried something may have happened. We told her no and the tech got a smile on her face. She proceeded to show us an image on the screen that we did not comprehend at first. She then pointed and said, this is baby A, and this one is baby B! We were a bit shocked, to say the least (Although we shouldn’t have been since Greyson had made the prediction, that mom would have a baby brother and baby sister for him, about three weeks before we even knew we were pregnant). Emily and I both looked at each other and squealed, TWINS! Emily got some fluids and nausea meds and was feeling better in just a few days. Not long after this thrilling news, I realized there were way too many things that needed to be completed before the new arrivals. Most of all, the basement project we had been putting off for nearly five years. We somehow managed to get everything on our list finished just in time. Good thing we did when we did because Owen and Rose decided they were ready to meet the world and were born six weeks early. We are now six months into twin life with an amazing five year old big brother. I have now had a bit of time in the evenings to work on the website. I am slowly adding some pictures along with some details about those pictures. I can’t promise regular updates, at this point I can’t promise regular showers, but as I find time I will continue to add to the site and I hope you enjoy a little glimpse into our extraordinary life.